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Are you ready for the new rules on food additives in Thailand?
Food business operators planning to launch new products in Thailand must comply with the recently amended additive...
06 February, 2024
Navigating global environmental sustainability trends: Insights from Leatherhead’s annual report
In the ever-evolving landscape of environmental sustainability, adeptly navigating the ongoing developments becomes...
EU’s battle against greenwashing in recycling claims
In the ongoing drive for sustainability, the regulation of recycling claims on packaging remains critical in the...
Argentina opens up opportunities for gluten-free foods and beverages
Did you know that Argentina has recently passed a resolution allowing the use of ingredients that naturally contain...
12 January, 2024
Ongoing debate over front-of-pack nutrition labelling system in India
The proposed star rating system for Front of Pack Nutritional Labelling (FoPNL) in India is currently uncertain, with...
08 January, 2024
Post-Brexit challenges continue for food, beverage, and supplement companies
Three years on from Brexit, many businesses are facing significant regulatory challenges. A recent survey of...
18 December, 2023
Using ‘recycled packaging materials’ claim must be registered with authorities in South Korea
Earlier this month, South Korea released two new drafts under the Resources Saving and Recycle Promotion Act. Notably...
Introducing new flavours for beers – the power of genetically modified (GM) yeast
Innovation in the beer industry has recently been in the spotlight due to opportunities in flavour creation and raw...
Argentina establishes additional requirements on food contact materials
Are you a food business operator dealing with food contact materials in Argentina? If so, it is important to know that...
How to get cooking instructions just right
Achieving effective, repeatable time-and-temperature combinations is the central goal of on-pack cooking instructions...
27 October, 2023
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